Tips To Increase Funding AND Finish The Year Strong

Tips To Increase Funding AND Finish The Year Strong

According to US News, The United States is the most generous nation in the world, followed by Myanmar and New Zealand. Last year, Americans gave $449.64 billion to charity, growing by 2.5% over 2018 and each year. The following tips can increase your non-profit’s fundraising and improve donor relations and retention!

As we begin the last quarter of 2020, may we be encouraged that with your ministry’s strong mission and vision communicated effectively and passionately, donors will continue to give, no matter the economic climate.

1. Smile and Dial your Donors.
Call those donors who gave “Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year Yet” (LYBUNT) and connect
with them, find out which resources of your ministry have impacted their lives the most, and pray with them.

2. Conduct a Virtual State of the Ministry Event.
“This method by Zoom or similar is a low-cost way of connecting with your donors, casting vision, having them see the leaders, hear a testimonial of life impact, and make a call to action to invest in the ministry. I recommend this multiple times a year.” Make sure to prepare well for this event!

3. Create a digital and social media campaign with benefits to go from one-time giving to

Monthly donors are an easy way to increase sustainable income to the ministry.

4. Create a Matching Challenge.
With “Giving Tuesday” always on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (which is December 1), is an excellent time to build momentum and at least double or triple your donations.

Blessings Brokers

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