How to Increase Funding for Your Non-Profit

How to Increase Funding for Your Non-Profit

Leave your donors impressed… Follow these three tips to retain donors and increase their giving!

  • Give Donors a Voice.  Donors love to be heard and to have a platform in which to give their input and their testimonies.  Hold a monthly zoom call and invite all your donors to join.  Here you can give them an update and ask for their feedback.
  • Host Open House, Office Visits and Vision Events.  This tip is great even if you are just starting a non-profit. In our COVID-19 current environment, I encourage you to give a VIRTUAL tour of your office space. Show your donors and potential donors what a day looks like in the life of your ministry. Then, we were are able to invite people inside our office space, host an open house. This tip allows you to welcome people inside your headquarters, which is basically like your home. Here you will greet, cast vision, love on the donors, and empower them as ambassadors of your nonprofit by sharing all the resources you offer.  It truly works!  These face-to-face events are best held in the months of Feb/March/April/May or September/October/November. Read our meeting guide here, to make sure these events run smoothly!
  • Handwritten Notes and Sending First-Time Donor Packets.  Handwritten notes are a lost art form and give your outreach a very personal touch.  Include your business card and invite them to provide you feedback about how your non-profit has impacted their faith journey.  When you have a first time-donor, send them a welcome packet that includes: your welcome letter, business card, information/statistics about your non-profit, bookmark, etc.

Did you know that 19% of first-time donors and 63% of repeat donors are retained?  Therefore, it is extremely important to work hard at retaining your current donors.  History shows that donors who continue to give, especially those who choose to increase their gifts yearly, are retained at higher rates.  For more information on how to build your donor base and increase funding exponentially, check out our Teachable Online Class, “How to Raise the First $50,000 for Your Dream Nonprofit”  at the following link:

All proceeds from this class will go to nonprofit organizations.

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