How to Increase Funding for Your Non-Profit
Self Care Tips for Nonprofit Leaders
Up to 75% of non-profit donations come in the 4th quarter. This season creates a hectic season of the fullest schedules for nonprofits, often leaving leaders burnt out and exhausted. Being a nonprofit leader is not easy.
Self-care brings countless benefits and longevity. Unfortunately, for so many influential leaders, self-care gets pushed to the back of the list. For some, it might be the guilt of taking the time for yourself when you feel pulled to be serving others, for some it might seem like a waste of time, and for some there just are not enough hours in the day.
Below are some tips for non-profit leaders to slow down and take care of themselves.
Find small things outside of work that brings you joy
Dedicate time to be still and calm your mind from your massive to-do list/meetings and find things outside of your job that made you happy today. Instilling gratitude for the small things will run over into every part of your life including your Non-Profit. Start a Gratitude Journal to write five things each day you are grateful for. That small act lifts your spirits.
Schedule time to do what you love
Leaders of Nonprofits make countless sacrifices every day. The selfless spirit of leaders is something to admire, however it is important for leaders to fill up their tanks. Whether it is kayaking, hiking, reading a book, or simply taking a nap, schedule time to do what you love!
Finding a Balance
Long hours, working during family time, and rarely resting is a common trait in non-profit leaders. When you are passionate about your mission and love what your non-profit is doing, it’s hard to find time to stop and relax. Finding a balance between all parts of your life is essential.
God cares about his children’s needs. In 1st King 18:1-8, Elijah is exhausted and is facing despair and loneliness. God saw this and sent an angel to remind him to take care of himself. “The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God” (1st King 18:7-8 NIV)
Non-profit leaders, you are making a difference! Blessings Brokers is praying for you and the fruit of your hard labor. Take time to rest and take care of yourself. The best is yet to come!
Read more leadership tips from our founder, Danya Jordan here.
Non-Profit Meeting Guide
Non-Profit Meeting Guide
We know the frustrations of having a meeting not go as planned…..
Follow these steps to leave your clients, potential clients, or team impressed!
- The most important meeting is the meeting BEFORE the meeting. Meet internally first to go over objectives who will be part of your meeting.
- If the meeting is scheduled to be in person, ensure a calendar invite has been sent weeks prior to all parties and the meeting venue—conference room, restaurant reservations, or private room—has been reserved. If the meeting is scheduled to be via Zoom, set up the Zoom and send a calendar invite with the secure Zoom link embedded in the calendar invite. Ensure the settings are correct for the waiting room, screen sharing, etc.
- If a major donor ask is being presented, prepare and print the documents well ahead of time. Prepare a copy for each one in the meeting.
- Customize the cover letter with the ask amount
- Case For Support
- Customize the Commitment Form
- Include the Stock Transfer Form
- If the meeting is via Zoom, the first three documents listed can also be merged into one pdf to send to the donor after the meeting if you have shared your screen and presented the Case For Support and ask.
- If the meeting is in person, prepare the room’s Audio Visual at least 30 minutes ahead of time for microphone check, LCD projector and laptop. Set up refreshments, water, pens, pads, and determine where each person will sit ahead of time. I pray over the space also.
- If the meeting is via Zoom, plan to log into the Zoom as the host 10-15 minutes ahead of time to welcome your guests.
- (3 minutes)
- President (10 minutes)
- Program Director (5 minutes)
- Prepare an agenda and send it to the meeting participants at least 24 hours ahead of time. Time each item and list who is the lead to optimizing time
- Smile and thank your meeting donors/participants again for their valuable time. Let them know you look forward to following up on the day/time you mutually decided.
- Write a handwritten thank-you note or at least an email after each meeting to the participants. That small gesture sets you apart even more.
Congratulations on leading a successful, influential meeting. You are making a difference!